I love my red shoes!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

I've always had Santa bring the boys shoes, but apparently that's not exciting when you're a young tike. I remember last year when I got Ryne a sweatshirt for Christmas and he opened the box and threw it to the side. It was some nice, way too expensive Nike sweatshirt I had bought thinking it would be extra special for Christmas. Yeah, apparently three-year olds (at the time) don't care about that, so I'm sure as a four-year old this year it wouldn't be much different. When their shoes came in the mail, I decided I couldn't wait to put them on them and that Santa just wouldn't be bringing shoes this year (along with no clothes). I sang Ryne the Pete the Cat song, "I Love My White Shoes", but sang "I love my red shoes!" The boys actually loved their new shoes and thought it was funny that Rhett had them too!

I think Rhett's little red shoes are the absolute cutest. They are a little too big (since I had been thinking Christmas time), but I still wanted to put them on him. Reed has HUGE feet for his age. The size I got Ryne is almost too small, of course. I did that last year when I bought Reed's shoes too! Apparently I'm not good at guessing their sizes or shoes fit completely different! 

This picture of Ryne cracks me up. He loves Rhett and is always up in his face. So, when Rhett started crying Ryne looked shocked. HAHA. Some how Reed looks really sympathetic to him too, which is so sweet except he usually is yelling at him to stop crying! Also, take note of the binkies in all of his pictures, because in less than two months they will all be GONE. Santa is taking them to boys and girls who need them, and in return he will get presents. It worked for Ryne like a charm when we did it, but I'm still hesitant about it with Reed!

I feel like there has been a full moon for days because these two have been fighting non-stop. Totally brother appropriate, I know..but I had bought them extra Cars 3 cars so that they wouldn't fight. Lightning McQueen, Cruz, Smokey, Mater, Jackson Storm..I literally bought two of each so that they wouldn't fight over them since that seemed to be a common problem this past week. Genius idea, right? No, not at all. I swear middle child syndrome is real. Reed will do anything to purposely make Ryne mad and he knows how to push alllll his buttons. Here's how it usually goes:
1. Ryne plays with cars.
2. Steps away for a minute and comes back to realize his cars are gone.
3. Begins getting upset and demands Reed to give him his cars.
4. Reed stars screaming and runs from Ryne.
5. Ryne chases him now crying or whining that he has his cars.
6. Reed continues to run screaming.
7. "RYNE AND REED!" I say.
8. Ryne cries harder because I "yelled" (I don't yell, I raise my voice so they know I'm upset or if I yell it's because I'm upstairs and they're downstairs). 
9. Reed yells at Ryne to stop crying.
10. I remind myself, this is my circus; these are my monkeys.
11. Check my watch to see how many hours are left until bedtime and I can regain my sanity.
12. 1-11 repeat multiple times.

Anyone else's kids fight? I had two older brothers, so I understand siblings fighting (we still argue sometimes). But HOLY COW. Let's keep it together here Philips boys!

Ryne brought me home flowers earlier this week when Derek picked him up from school. He was so proud of them and kept asking me, "aren't they so pretty?" and "don't you love them?". He also has reminded me daily that if I don't water them they will die. He obviously knows my lack of a green thumb! Do these need sun? Do they need shade? Who really knows! The truth is, I honestly think he chose these yellow flowers because they resemble dandelions a little bit and he loooves picking dandelions in the summer!

I really thought it was special that Derek did this with him, and I thought it was even better that he let Ryne pick what he wanted for me. I hope that he continues to see these special things that you can do for special people in your life. I love the plant, but the card I think was the sweetest part of it all.

I think my kitchen needed some brightening up, so the plant was just perfect and was from the best little gentleman. His teacher's birthday is this week so he is excited to pick her out something too!

When I was taking these pictures of Ryne and his flowers, Reed wanted to be in the pictures so bad and Ryne kept shoving him out of the way saying they were HIS flowers that he got mom. MY WHOLE HEART. Don't mind the fact you're kind of being a little poop stain to your brother, my heart is melting that you think they're YOUR flowers. 

What's something your kids have done for you that you have never forgotten? 

I'm off to bed finally. This whole time change is for the birds. Does it really need to be a thing anymore? Can we take notes from Arizona and not do it? It's so rough on the kids and I absolutely hate having it dark before suppertime and light in the morning! The only nice thing about it is that it means we are getting closer to Christmas! It's definitely official now, Hobby Lobby had Christmas music playing and Menard's has lights on their trees outside! Does anyone else have their tree up already? I'm loving siting in the room with ONLY the Christmas tree lights on, Christmas music playing, and Christmas Spirit diffusing! 
