Friday & Froyo!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Our old town is on our way to my mom's house. I usually don't stop with the boys because I'm always afraid they'll think we are going back. We ventured out there on Friday though because my van had a recall on it. I honestly don't even know what it was for, I just saw the recall paper and thought I should probably take it in. It worked out well since my air conditioning also went out of my van. Oh, and the sliding door sounded like someone had dropped a toy in it when you'd open it. I'm sure these are all normal vehicle things that everyone deals with, except we just got mine in December...brand new...a 2017 Chrysler Pacifica. YEAH I'M LOOKIN' AT YOU CHRYSLER. 

Derek didn't want a new van, but I like how the hooks for the car seats are in it, I like that it has automatic start and of course the heated seats. But honestly, for the first time, I told him last week that I missed my old van. Apparently the first step in marriage is admitting you're wrong..because he really thoroughly enjoyed that I admitted I didn't like it. *Note: I have since asked him if we can trade it for a different van and apparently the second step in marriage is keeping your thoughts to yourself. :) 

Since we had to wait awhile, my mom (JeJe) met us and we went to the local froyo shop! The boys were thrilled. They love picking out their frozen yogurt and their toppings. Ryne always picks vanilla with cookies and cream, but he ended up choosing cookies & cream frozen yogurt AND cookies and cream toppings! Reed went with vanilla and a bunch of strawberries. Of course they knew they could sweet talk their JeJe into getting them a second cup! The kids made out like bandits and had full bellies and happy hearts!

When I was 18 weeks pregnant, we had our gender reveal party at the same frozen yogurt shop. If it was strawberry it was a girl, if it was chocolate it was a boy. Obviously we know what kind of frozen yogurt came out since baby Rhett is here. I think I really thought it would be a girl because I had two HAD to be a girl, Ryne was adamant he was going to get a baby sister, and I have two older brothers, so I thought it would end up being the same as my family was! But God said no, no, no! Apparently he thinks I'm a good boy mom, because here I am, mom of THREE boys. It's a great conversation starter I've learned! I've also met a lot of moms who have three boys and they're all great people (and survived it)! 

I enjoyed taking Rhett back to the place where we revealed he was a boy! He is two months old today and he is just so sweet. I'm so glad that God trusted me to take care of three sweet, ornery, huggable, smelly, silly, loving boys and I can't argue with that. They're all growing so fast. Sometimes I just feel like time robs us. I try to cherish every moment; every fun and rewarding moment but also the hard moments. I remember having Ryne as a baby and someone telling us "this too shall pass" when we talked about having to take him on drives around town to get him to fall asleep. The sad thing is, it does pass and at the time it feels like you'll never survive it, and then you survive it, and then you can't believe how fast time has gone...and then you want it back.

I guess maybe I should say "this too shall pass" about my disappointing, crappy Chrysler Pacifica. Some day I'll figure out that the third step in marriage is asking for forgiveness instead of permission. "Oh, this new van? Oh, that's weird. How did it drive itself to our house?! Do you forgive me?" Do marriages get to this point? Because I feel like they should...only when it comes to a new mini van of course!
