Happy National Pancake Day!

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

There’s not a lot of food I like more than pancakes (except tacos). I try to flip some pancakes at least once a week for the boys, but let’s be honest, the UPS man delivered 96 chocolate Pop-Tarts a few weeks ago and we have put a good dent in them. Sometimes when Amazon has a good deal on some good (not good for you) food, you just go all out! According to Google, it looks like some people think National Pancake Day was yesterday, some think today, and apparently IHOP just randomly chooses a day every year and they call that National Pancake Day! No matter what day you celebrate, one thing is for sure...a few pancakes slabbed with butter and drenched in syrup was never bad for the soul!

PSA: If you are here for fancy recipes, perfect pictures and a storybook life, you press that little “x” button up in the corner of your screen because I promise you you won’t find any of that here! I mean, I’m hoping you aren’t reading this hoping to get an awesome homemade pancake recipe, because I don’t have one! :(

I can tell you that Hungry Jack has a mix..in a box..that you just add water too. *Gasps!* I’ve learned since being married, that Hungry Jack must be the real deal because one time I bought Bisquick and Derek asked me to buy Hungry Jack in the future. No, this is not endorsed by Hungry Jack, this is me being obsessive over delicious pancakes that you just add water to. If you want to get fancy (which sometimes I do), you can get the Hungry Jack mix where you add milk, oil and eggs!

I was deciding between doing a pancake bar for supper where you can pick your own toppings, or making a pancake that looks like a raccoon. I decided to choose the raccoon! Ryne has preschool from 12-3 so I thought I would be able to have them done for their lunch. 😂 Joke was on me. I am not sure if I’ve ever cooked hot dogs in the microwave so fast so that he would have something to eat before school. The half-made raccoon pancake ended up being an afternoon snack that I finished while Ryne was gone. Let’s be honest, the thing is mediocre. But I’ve decided I’m just a mediocre mom who can only cook mediocre things and take pictures that make you think, wow..she is mediocre!

My kids thought he was the greatest thing ever though! Which was so nice. Ryne is so positive and told me, “Mom, you made this?! How did you do it?!.” These are the moments you soak in as a parent and your heart melts. You soak it in because soon they realize that you only made one raccoon pancake because you didn’t make enough mix, accidentally messed up the raccoon eyes and lost a pancake to the floor in the process. Then they fight..a nice WWE style wrestle match breaks out and no one eats the raccoon pancake (except for the bite I asked Reed to take in the picture below).

Happy National Pancake Day anyway! I hope you have a chance to flip some pancakes this week and feed your soul! I’m going to go feed mine with the raccoon pancake no one ate. :)
