New Best Friends

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Reed and Audrey have been inseparable since they were babies at the same childcare center. One of the hardest things for me to do when we moved was to separate their friendship. Okay, okay..Derek thinks I'm crazy. They're TWO. But I just imagine them being friends forever and being able to embarrass them with old pictures when they grow up. Not to mention, she has the best parents and I keep telling him he would have amazing in laws. This is important stuff a two-year old needs to know! :) 

Wrestle Mania Featuring Reed & Audrey

They were born only a month apart. I would like to think it was a Godly thing, making them so close in age. Who would have thought that two little babies would make me find one of the best humans to have as one of my best friends? 

So many laughs
They're just the perfect friends because they have so much personality, orneriness, but so sweet. I mean seriously the whole time I was laughing, "awww"ing, and commenting how much I loved their friendship. Because doesn't everyone need a best friend like this in life? A friend you can wrestle and then hang out with on the chair like nothing happened? HA! 

I should have cut out Reed's feet. I feel like they're so huge that they draw my eyes to his feet LOL.
Derek always tells Reed that Audrey is good for him. He says he "needs to be bossed around and tackled". If you know our Reed you would totally understand why. He is constantly bossing and beating Ryne up. I'm pretty sure I saw Audrey half nelson Reed and then sit on him to keep him down. THIS IS THE TYPE OF GIRL YOU NEED IN YOUR LIFE! I also think my heart exploded when they were "shopping" together which involved Reed chasing Audrey who had the shopping cart. 

Ryne was so sad because he was in preschool most the time they were over. He made sure to draw Audrey pictures for her refrigerator that included an octopus, my van, a train, and a building that was Chik-fil-a. Hahahahaha. The kid knows the way to your heart! Chicken nuggets anyone?! P.S. Did you know if you take your kid's meal toy up to the counter you can trade it for ice cream or a little book?!

I honestly didn't think I could love their friendship anymore, but thanks to them now these two can grow up to be bests too! Rhett and Abbey were also born only a (little over a) month apart. How crazy is that?! They're both easy babies, which is great because meanwhile they're siblings are tearing it up! (See teepee picture above). I just imagine that they'll have a great friendship too. Maybe they'll sit nicely, read a book, sip their milk quietly while watching Mickey Mouse. You know, just dreamin'..Also, Reed said there were "two Rhett's" when they were laying beside each other. My heart!

How cute are their little milk bellies?!

Sometimes the perfect therapy in life is having a great friend come over, sit on the couch, talk, eat pizza, eat more pizza and enjoy each other's company.

This was the best day. The best.
