Hippos & Raccoons

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

It's amazing how stressful parenthood can be, but how much joy it can bring as well. Being a stay-at-home mom can be really challenging, and there's not a lot of appreciation for it. I don't mean that in a bad way, but it's hard to explain to a 4.5 yr old, 2.5 yr old, and a 2 month old that they should appreciate you feeding them, helping them get ready for the day, cleaning up after them, wiping up the pee that's all over the floor and vanity (I mean..HOW?!), washing their 3 outfits that they wore for the day, cleaning up the syrup that's on the table, chair, floor, probably places I don't know about. I am sure my patience isn't as great as it should be every day, but I realize how lucky I am to get to hear all their giggles, snuggle them, see all their firsts..the list goes on and on. 

When we first moved into our house, I always thought it was crazy how crooked our floors were. Our first two homes were built in the 1980s and 1970s, so our 1930s home has things (like the crooked floors) that I am not used to. Ryne and Derek were playing an intense game of Hungry Hungry Hippos, and Derek made sure he was on the side of the game that would make the balls roll into his hippo's mouth. He strategically thought it out based on the slant of the floor which hippo he should be. We might have slanted floors, but I bet Kim Kardashian can't figure out a way to cheat playing Hungry Hungry Hippos with her kids!

I usually get the boys shirts that are dri-fit or slick because they're easier to wipe off! I couldn't resist this shirt when I was looking for some church clothes for the boys. It made me laugh out loud. I'm sure in 20 years it won't be as funny! It also cracks me up that he has his hand in his pocket. For some reason it makes him seem so grown up!

 We drove 20 minutes to a town that has a McDonald's over the weekend. I don't think you appreciate McDonald's until you don't have one. Okay, I always appreciate McDonald's, but I think I appreciate it even more now that we don't have one! Luckily Derek is a great husband and dad and is up for a 20 minute drive to McDonald's! On our way there we hit a raccoon, who was sadly the last raccoon in a raccoon family crossing the road! Instead of keeping quiet, I acknowledged and was sad couldn't let it go that he had hit a raccoon that had a FAMILY. Reed was so upset that he cried the rest of the way to McDonald's. I thought we had moved past the raccoon incident on the way home, but once we got home he had a huge meltdown over the raccoon. I love two-year olds, but there's no books you can read that can prepare you for things like hitting the last raccoon in a raccoon family... on your way to a McDonald's... that's 20 minutes away.

Rhett has gotten so big and is changing every day. He loves being talked to and you can tell he just takes it all in. Sometimes if you're lucky, he will smile a whole lot at you. He is such a sweet little guy, especially with two rambunctious brothers around him! I can hardly believe that he will be 2 months old this weekend. I am soaking it all in since he is our last baby. I honestly tried convincing Derek we should have an even number, but he spent a few hours with them while I went out for some Mexican food with a friend, and when I got home the first thing he said was, "We aren't having any more babies." Maybe not, but I deserve a lot more Mexican food then (and margaritas)! 

I hope everyone has a great rest of the week! We are on the home stretch for the weekend!
