Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Our town's Trick-or-Treat night was actually last night, which means our Christmas tree is up in full force! Well, half force I guess. I'm short two strands of lights and Menards is a solid 55 minutes away. It still is cozy having the half-lit tree up! Has anyone else noticed how you can't mix and match lights from different stores? Once you commit to a brand of lights, you have to keep getting that same brand. Colored lights at Walmart don't match the colored lights at Menards, and no two white lights are the same anywhere, unless you can find the same brand!

I was super bummed this year that the boys actually wanted to decide what they were going to be. Ryne has told me for quite awhile that he wanted to be Superman, which led Reed to being Batman. He has wanted to be Batman for months, but you betcha when Trick-or-Treat night rolls around, he 100% does not want to be Batman. After bribing forcing his Batman outfit on him, he refused to wear his mask. Ryne begged and cried and begged Reed to put on the mask but he wouldn't budge. Luckily you can't tell any of that in these pictures. :)

Sometimes it is so hard being a parent. I literally was tackling Reed on the ground trying to put his costume on. Pretty sure I even broke out in a good sweat from it. These are supposed to be nights that are enjoyable so I try not to lose my shit, but the energy that it took for me to not lose it made me exhausted. But look at the pictures I got for keeping myself together. Mom 1 Lost Shit 0. 

They seriously are both so sweet and ornery. I'm always exhausted by 10 in the morning, but I feel so lucky to be their mom. Sometimes it's a blessing that I'm tired by 10, because then the rest of the day I'm just too exhausted to break up fights, care that they've eaten pop-tarts for lunch for the third day in a row, or that they've been walking around in their underwear.

I had bought Rhett a Flash costume to go along with the superhero theme, but we decided to have Derek got as The Man in the Yellow Hat and Rhett go as his little monkey, Curious George. Apparently newborn in monkey size is completely different than newborn in baby size, because the newborn costume was huge on him! I ended up just being able to use the monkey mask, but I think he still made such a cute little monkey! I also think Derek made a perfect Man in the Yellow Hat since he is so tall, is a man, and wore a yellow hat. :) 

Since they didn't have Trick-or-Treating today, I let them hang out in their Halloween jammies all afternoon! I'm obsessed with Peanuts and love Hanna Andersson's Charlie Brown pajamas! They didn't have them in Rhett's size, so he got to be a cute little pumpkin instead!

 This is usually how pictures turn out. I am pretty sure I take 50 pictures before I maybe get one decent picture! Sometimes these are the best ones though. Rhett crying because Ryne gets all up in his face, Reed begging me to let him have his binky back..this is reality!

Not pictured: five more binkies in a stash that Reed is waiting to grab. Note: Santa is taking Reed's binkies this Christmas. Important note: I will be in hiding for a couple weeks after!

I love this time of year because of all the holidays. I can't wait to indulge in some delicious meals in November as we give thanks for so many things in our life. All my Christmas decor is up, Christmas music has been playing, and Christmas candles are burning. I swear I saw a few snowflakes over the weekend and the cold makes me so excited for this holiday season! 

If anyone is doing any early Christmas shopping, Target has a great deal where you can text TOYS to 827-438. They will send you a link with a coupon code for 25% off a toy online or in store! I texted so many people to ask them to send me the code so I could buy multiple toys! Ryne has been asking for the kid-sized Paw Patrol tower for forever. It was on sale for $84.99 (had been $99.99) With 25% off I ended up getting it for $63.74 WHAT!? I also used my Redcard and saved 5% more and got free shipping! So exciting! I love deals. :) 

What was everyone for Halloween this year? Does anyone else have their Christmas tree up yet?!
