Splish Splash!

Saturday, September 30, 2017

This sweet, little guy was so grouchy tonight (like his dad). I finally decided to put him in the "tub" to see if it would help. He was so relaxed the whole time! I stood next to him for quite awhile just to enjoy the peace of a content baby. I also feel slightly accomplished because the fact that I can give him a bath in the sink means that all the dishes are done!

Blooming Bath/ Shea Moisture Baby Soap
His sink baths are so much easier with the blooming bath! Rhett was my first one I used it with and I regret not using it with Ryne or Reed! After I bathe him, I just pop it in the washing machine and then dry it! It's so soft and cozy, I wish they made them in adult size! There's probably a good reason they don't..I'd want to relax in the tub daily, and who has time for that?!

I'm so obsessed with this little guy. I always go back and forth on who I think he looks like. Some days I see Reed, some days I see Ryne, but I think I've decided he is just his own little person and has his own little look. He is pretty laid back except for when he is hungry..I guess that makes him hangry! If that's genetic it's from me. :) 

I look forward to the weekends even as a stay-at-home mom. It's so nice having Derek around to take the kids outside, or continue to work on making our house a home, etc. My kids don't sleep and if I'm lucky he will even let me doze off. By my kids not sleeping I mean..Ryne has had a dose of Benedryl for allergies and is still awake. Not even Benedryl makes them sleep! Meanwhile I'm over here begging for someone to make me take Benedryl and begging someone to make me go to bed. Instead I decided that mombies (mom zombies) survive solely on having a giant glass of iced tea, a can of Dr. Pepper and a bag of Goldfish next to them to help them through the sleepless night. I say this as Derek is rocking Reed, Ryne is laying on the couch with Elmo and I'm snuggling Rhett. 

It's the best kind of no sleep I could ever have.
