Sunday Funday!

Sunday, October 1, 2017

As much of an adjustment it has been moving to a small town, we really are liking it so far. Derek really likes his job, we have found a church that we enjoy going to, and Ryne has made new friends at preschool. I always say I miss our house, I miss our neighbors, and I miss our friends. One of the hardest parts of leaving was taking the boys from their childcare center where they also had made friends.

I lucked out with the friends I made while we lived there because we still stay in contact and still talk all the time! My friend Kate brought her two kids over for the day and my kids are STILL talking about it.

They ate pretend food, built a wall out of Magnatiles to stop the lava, "cowabunga'ed" off the couch for a solid hour, and tore it up on the Gator! I decided Ryne still is an awful driver because he tossed Marie off when he put the pedal to the medal. I also have decided that one of our kids gets hurt every time we are together..and it usually always involves Ryne and Marie! Four year olds are rough and tough!

John Deere Gator
It's like a small mom vacation when our kids are together since they play so well together! There was no fighting, pizza was shared, hugs were given and it literally was the best Sunday Funday! We also enjoy actual mom vacations to Mexican restaurants for some tacos. We definitely do those kidless because...who am I kidding? We don't like to share the queso!

Hope everyone wax able to have some R&R today to get them through the next week! I love Sundays but today was even more special.
