Home Town Lovin'

Thursday, October 5, 2017

We still do everything in our hometown even though we've hopped a couple towns west. It's so much easier going back where they have all your records and know you. Sweet baby Rhett had a doctor's appointment and weighed a whole 10 pounds! Has anyone ever wondered why people ask you how your baby sleeps? I mean..yeah he sleeps great! Oh you mean at night?  What time zone are you talking about? Oh ours? Yeah, no. He doesn't sleep. Yeah, my other two kids don't sleep either. I look tired? This is just my face now actually..I just look like this, but thanks! On a side note, besides the fact that Rhett doesn't sleep, he is the sweetest little guy, so you can hardly care..until your 2 year old wakes up at 7 and wants a sippy of milk and a chocolate chip waffle yesterday. :) 

We also all had hair appointments (minus Derek). We literally have the best hair stylist who is so patient with the boys. I actually lucked out a little because Rhett and I were still at the doctor when the boys' hair appointment started. My mom ended up taking them! When Reed started to whine about getting his hair cut she informed him it wasn't negotiable and look at this! NO TEARS. What is life?! This was a huge mom victory!

Ryne had gone first so I missed getting a picture of him getting his hair cut. But he kept saying, "I look good!" I love when they get their haircuts, but I hate how it makes them look so much older! Ryne is getting so tall and grown up and then you add in a fresh haircut and it can make you teary-eyed! I'm blaming it on the post-pregnancy hormones!

I lucked out when we were back and ran into the best childhood friend a girl could have..we literally grew up on the same street! Seriously, I went in for a bracelet and found something even better! Isn't it crazy how you can run into an old friend and it feels like you never were away from each other? I also laugh so much when I'm around her. I need her around more often to help me work on my abs from laughing!

The mom bod is still in full force. I gained the least amount of weight with Rhett, but have had the hardest time losing it. Maybe I just can't remember how long it took me with the other two. Maybe my problem is I am just so tired that I want to sit. Maybe it's the Halloween Oreos. Maybe I'm getting old. Maybe it's because I haven't worked out for months. Can't we all just consider laughter a workout?!

On a sentimental note..it's always nice running into people who knew my dad and knew me when my dad was alive. I think the farther I get away from home and the longer it's been since he has passed, the more I realize the people in my life don't know that part of my life. It's fun being able to share memories that have my dad in them. It's nice seeing people who stuck with you through life's ups and downs. It's nice reminding myself I chose to keep going. I never let it become an excuse for the failures in my life. It was just a part of my life that happened and shaped me into the person I am today. I feel fortunate that every day I've chosen laughter and that I have people in my life that make it so easy to do that.

My laugh for today was when I asked Ryne to hand me the square Amazon box. "That's not square," he told me. I said,  "Oh, is it a rectangle?" He replied, "No mom, it's a rectangular prism. (Giggled) You thought it was a square! This box has six sides!" I honestly didn't laugh at first, although it soon followed. I think I was shocked! Nothing makes you feel worse about yourself than getting schooled by your four-year old. I found out my mom taught him that. The joys of having a mom who was a math teacher! It still makes me laugh thinking about it!

I hope everyone was able to laugh today..and maybe tomorrow you can laugh so hard your belly hurts!
