Our Favorite Table

Thursday, September 28, 2017

I always loved doing arts and crafts growing up because my mom still is really great at them. I guess I wasn't prepared for how hard it is to not take control over your kids' project. I mean..does anyone else cringe a little when they don't color in the lines? Or when the play dough shape doesn't come out right? I think the worst is the watercolors and when they mix the colors. Does anyone have anxiety reading these or am I just crazy?

When we moved into our house this summer, I decided to get a bigger table for the boys to do their projects or play on since we were adding baby Rhett to the family. It ended up being perfect because it matched their kitchen set and their bookshelf. Our toy room in our "new" house is quite a bit smaller than our old house, so we have the table and bookshelf out in the living room. I'll share pictures of their toy room soon. I find myself constantly rearranging things trying to make it just right. I actually plan on rearranging it again this weekend. If I'm really lucky, I'll be able to talk Derek into taking me to Menard's this weekend! I am dying for new light & fan fixtures in our bedrooms upstairs. I think they would make the rooms look so nice. Not complaining about the 90s lights..lots of good things came out of the 90s! ;)

Table / Chairs (Smoked Gray)
Ryne was never really into doing projects, wanting to draw, color etc. but lately he has really enjoyed it. Once we determined he would be right handed (he used his left hand a lot) and he started holding his pencil correctly, he has really enjoyed writing and drawing. After every letter of the alphabet that he writes he always asks me, "is that the best A you've never seen?!" He is so proud of himself and it's so fun to see them learn!

"F says 'ffffffff'"
Reed has always loved doing arts and crafts. He will stay busy for quite awhile sitting at the table coloring (on the table), cutting (his brother's hair), or drawing. For some reason he always wants me to draw a baby bird for him to color AND a daddy bird..hey buddy, you're missing the most important bird here..what about the mommy bird?! He will scribble something on paper and tell me it's a dinosaur usually. It's fun seeing his little imagination!

"Look mom, I have red!"
I've designated watercolors as an outdoor activity because I can't count how many times they spill over the water and most the time the watercolors end up anywhere but the table! I really have started to worry about what in the world I will do this winter. Maybe more play dough activities and kinetic sand? *Mom cleaning tip: wait to sweep up play dough until it has dried. It's way easier to clean up! I definitely didn't learn this from not cleaning it up until the next day.. or the next.

Ryne was adamant on wearing his Friday shirt today. Wishful thinking!

I always enjoy Thursday's because, even though Ryne only goes to preschool four days a week for three hours, there's something nice about having him home with us all day! No rushed mornings trying to get everyone ready, breakfast and lunch made, etc. before he is out the door. Also..do you even have to shower if no one sees you?

I'm loving this cooler weather. It's so nice being able to sit outside while the boys play and actually be comfortable and not sweating. On a negative note, does anyone else have ginormous, loud, obnoxious crickets in their yards? And is it just me or are the mosquitos 10 times worse right now?

I hope everyone is excited for the weekend like we are! We have doctor's appointments, hair appointments and hopefully going to Menard's!

We're running into the weekend like....

Spidey Helmet / Mickey Underwear
Oh..and a picture of Rhett just because he is so sweet...
