
Thursday, November 23, 2017

Is this not the greatest time of the year? There's not much more that I enjoy than spending time with family, eating a bunch of turkey rolls, and laughing so hard your belly hurts.

We have an ongoing debate with our family about Thanksgiving food. Do you love it? Do you hate it? I think I've probably been a picky eater ever since I came out of the womb. I have a hard time convincing people that TRULY..there's nothing better than a McDonald's burger! Eating McDonald's for the first time after eating all the Thanksgiving food for days is just soooo refreshing to my taste buds. I'M CRAZY, I know, but I'd be perfectly okay if my family said, we aren't eating turkey this year, let's eat McDonald's instead!

I am thankful though that I am a part of a family who is able to celebrate Thanksgiving with food on the table. Our family is all so close but we only get to see each other a few times a year. I can't explain how refreshing it is to get to spend time with all of our family. It is just so good for the soul!

Welcoming baby Rhett into our world is definitely something that I am thankful for. I seriously can't stop staring at his little face and feel so lucky God trusted me to be his mommy. He is such a sweet little guy and is loved by so many people!

Sweet Rhett turned 3 months old yesterday and I can hardly believe it. Of course I'm over here begging the time to slow down and in denial that his 3 month clothes are starting to get a little too small. He is such a happy little guy and only gets mad when he is hangry! I don't blame him though, being hangry can make you be a little crazy!

Ryne is always asking me to take a picture of him and Rhett. He always asks him "how did you snoooooooze?" and "Rhett James..OHHH Rhett James you're soooo cute!" He is such a great big brother. I seriously just am so proud of him. He is so sweet and loving!

The orneriest and ultra sensitive middle child keeps me exhausted, only to end the night wanting me to snuggle with him while he falls asleep. We call him our sour patch kid, because I swear he will be having a meltdown, yelling at me "it's not funny" and then crying because he wants me to cuddle with him. He has so much personality, and even though I'm sure he will give me gray hairs by the time I'm 40 30, he is a sweet boy. (A sweet boy who ate two cans of black olives today and opened the bathroom door multiple times on people. He will be making a trip to the hardware store with his dad to buy a new lock for the mentioned bathroom door.)

My cousin Will is the perfect example of a kid eater in our family. He literally took a roll and a pickle for his lunch. HE DIDN'T EVEN EAT ALL THE PICKLE. This is real life. Why do we need cranberries? Why do we have layered lettuce? Gimme all the buns and jello and my heart is satisfied! I seriously watched my mom and aunt working on our Thanksgiving meal for days..can't we just microwave that turkey? Why aren't we getting KFC? Wouldn't it be easier to do a taco bar? It seems like so much work to me! Save the turkeys! :) 

I wanted to post this picture because we rarely take pictures together, Derek is such a devoted fan to the niners that he will STILL wear them even though they're pretty terrible, and mostly because Ryne took it and said "isn't that a great picture?" SOOO sweet.

I feel like we didn't even have a fall here. We went from such warm weather to freezing cold weather. Today we were so lucky because it was in the 50s! Look at this! No coats! Even some shorts! A little game of touch football got the kids (big and little) outside and playing hard! Derek sat on the couch quite awhile afterwards and kept saying "I still don't have my breath". HA! That's how you know you're officially old! Thank goodness he didn't pull any muscles while playing! He also yelled up at me right after this picture, "DID YOU RECORD THAT TOUCHDOWN!?" I sure didn't there Tom Brady, but I'll make sure I pay more attention to your intense game of touch football next time! 

To top it off, we braved the crowd at Walmart and hit up some Black Friday deals! I got a Cars 3 parking garage for the boys, a box of Lego's for Ryne and a couple books. It surprisingly wasn't busy and was the most fun we have had going to Walmart I think! 

The boys and I made turkey hands a few days ago for Thanksgiving. Projects like these are so stressful to me, and thanks to Pinterest the turkeys needed to have different colored feathers which made it even more stressful! The boys really did great though. Can I leave out the part where Ryne told me I was crabby? I let them free paint afterwards because I felt bad for being so crabby..but HOLY COW. I think it went a little like this...don't move your finger! Why are you moving your finger?! I told you not to move your finger! Why did you just touch your leg? Why did you just dump over the paint? You don't want purple? You said you wanted purple. You're using purple...I'm sure some one out there can relate?! The good news is, their turkey hands turned out pretty good and they really did enjoy it!

I always look forward to this time of year. It's such a good time to reflect on all the things you have to be thankful for, when sometimes it's so much easier to complain and be ungrateful. Thankfulness is a blessing; it's a wonderful thing realizing..I've been given this as a gift in my life, I will hold it close to me and be thankful every day.

May your Thanksgiving week be full of thanks and blessings. I hope everyone's stomachs are full of turkey and hearts full of love.
